Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Follow us on Twitter!
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is now on Twitter! Follow us for news and updates at: @BiStateMC

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Another Successful Golf Outing!
Thank you to all of our members and sponsors who helped to make the 2015 Golf Outing & Awards Luncheon a success.
Please visit our FACEBOOK PAGE to see a photo album from this year's event.
Congratulations to our award winners:
Please visit our FACEBOOK PAGE to see a photo album from this year's event.
Congratulations to our award winners:
2015 Award Honorees
Malcom McLean Memorial Award
Joseph Bonney,
William F. Fallon Memorial Award
(Outstanding On-Pier Terminal)
Maher Terminals
Chairman’s Award
Richard Larrabee, PANYNJ
Best Maintained Equipment
DirectChassis Link, Inc.
Awards for Outstanding
Assistance & Customer Service
Giovanni Antonuccio, APM Terminal
Jim Bowe, TRAC Intermodal
Christine Brady, PNCT
Friday, August 28, 2015
An Important Message from ATA President Re: a recent NY Times story
President and CEO of the American Trucking Association Bill Graves has issued a response to what is being referred to as "a series of baseless and defamatory" write-ups in the newspaper regarding truck safety.
Below is his response, which you can also read on the American Journal of Transportaton website ( by clicking HERE.
Below is his response, which you can also read on the American Journal of Transportaton website ( by clicking HERE.
Despite Fearmongering the Trucking Industry is Safe and Getting Safer
By Bill Graves
President and CEO
American Trucking Associations
It is unfortunate that the Times ran an opinion column this Saturday titled “The Trucks are Killing Us,” without properly vetting the statements contained in it. Despite the author’s implied credentials, there are several falsehoods, both implied and intentional, in the text that deserve a response.
First, the author Mr. Abramson notes that “more people will be killed in traffic accidents involving large trucks this year than have died in all of the domestic commercial airline crashes over the past 45 years,” implying the trucking industry is responsible for all these deaths. This simply isn’t true. Per the most recent federal data available, upwards of two-thirds of all serious crashes involving large trucks are caused by the actions of someone other than the professional driver. Speeding, impaired driving and other aggressive behaviors by non-commercial drivers cause far more truck crashes than do fatigue or other issues cited by the author. This is why ATA supports highway safety programs like America’s Road Team and Share the Road where our professional drivers educate the best ways for trucks and autos to interact on the roadways safely.
Second, Mr. Abramson says Congress has “eliminate[ed] the requirement that drivers take a two-day break each week.” This isn’t just an implied falsehood – it is simply and totally wrong. What Congress has done is almost exactly the opposite – it is allowing drivers to take more than one two-day break each week should they need or want to – and easing an onerous restriction that these breaks include two periods between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration admitted to Congress it never studied the potential consequences of these changes, consequences we now know – thanks to an American Transportation Research Institute analysis – include increased daytime truck traffic and likely increases in crashes as a result of more congested highways during daylight hours.
Mr. Abramson also cites an oft-debunked canard about Congress’ change “allow[ing] truck drivers to work 82 hours a week, up from the current 70 hours over eight days.” FMCSA itself has said such an extreme work schedule would only be possible in “an imaginary world of perfect logistics.” In the real world the average driver works 52 hours in a week – a reasonable total when compared to the average American workweek in today’s modern economy.
The column also warns of the alleged dangers of allowing younger drivers to operate commercial vehicles across state lines. This ignores that at 18, a young man or woman can obtain a commercial driver’s license and drive a truck long distances within the borders of their state, the 300 miles from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia for example, but not a short interstate trip – like the three miles between Philadelphia to Camden, N.J.
The pilot program Congress is currently proposing would not only fix this illogical inconsistency and provide states the ability to restrict these younger drivers in many ways; it would take a huge step toward a graduated commercial licensing system – the same type of system that has long been heralded by safety minded organizations, including ATA.
Mr. Abramson also chastises the industry for opposing technologies like airbags, electronic stability control and anti-lock brakes. Again, this is false. ATA has pushed for a review of truck crashworthiness standards and has supported mandates for both electronic stability control (finally enacted this June) and improved braking systems.
ATA has also been at the forefront of pushes to electronically limit truck speeds and better electronic monitoring of driver hours-of-service – a pair of regulations we hope will be issued soon.
This column also takes the position that trucks are disproportionally involved in crashes – which is patently false. NHTSA’s most recent Traffic Safety Facts report (dated July 2015) contains the facts: 9% of miles were driven by large trucks in 2013; large trucks accounted for 9% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes and 3 percent of all vehicles involved in injury and property-damage-only crashes in 2013. NHTSA’s data makes it clear: trucks are underrepresented in crashes.
Improving safety is also at the core of ATA’s support for modest increases in trailer length for some trucks. With a simple increase in trailer size from 28 feet to 33 feet, studies have shown we can eliminate the 6.6 million trips to deliver the 69% of the American economy that trucks move, and that would reduce the number of truck miles traveled by 1.3 billion. Those trips not taken and miles not driven will result, based on crash rates, more than 900 crashes not had.
At the end of the day, there is no silver bullet, no magic gadget that will make roads entirely safe. But through education, by reducing crash risk through sound rules, safety technologies and tighter enforcement, we can continue the long-term improvements in truck and highway safety. Over the past decade, through the industry’s diligence and professionalism, as well as improvements in vehicle technology and enforcement, the number of truck-involved fatal crashes has fallen by a third.
This is good news that some choose to ignore, but it is also a call for all of us – the industry, government regulators and motorists to look at the true roots of crashes and not use the politics of fear to impose counterproductive “solutions.”
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Senator Cruz-Perez Tours Port Newark
We had the pleasure of hosting Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez on Wednesday for a tour of the port area. She was able to witness the long gate queues first-hand, speak directly with truckers about their concerns, and see the strong impact port activity has on our State's economy. Thank you, Senator, for taking such a keen interest in intermodal commerce issues, and thank you to Executive Board Member John Kruse and SCI Chaplain Marge Lindstrom for the informative guided tour today.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
ALERT: Road Closures in September for Visit of Pope Francis
Over the next several weeks, we'll be providing updates to our members regarding the various road closures they can expect during Pope Francis' visit to the NY/NJ/PA metro area.
You'll find important information on how the closures at the Ben Franklin Parkway Bridge will affect the roads in and around the Camden/Philadelphia corridor here: CLOSURES IN THE PHILADELPHIA/CAMDEN AREA
You'll find important information on how the closures at the Ben Franklin Parkway Bridge will affect the roads in and around the Camden/Philadelphia corridor here: CLOSURES IN THE PHILADELPHIA/CAMDEN AREA
Friday, July 24, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
NJ Turnpike 14A Interchange Improvement Project -- Updates and Info
The Bi-State Association would like to extend special thanks to engineer Larry Williams of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, for attending our meeting today and providing an informative presentation on the improvements to Interchange 14A. This is a complex project requiring a great deal of coordination and planning, and it was good to hear that so far, things are moving along right on schedule.
For more information and ongoing updates, please visit
For more information and ongoing updates, please visit
Monday, July 13, 2015
Photo from APM Terminal - July 13, 2015
This photo was sent to us this afternoon by a member whose frustrated driver was struck in line for several hours at APM. The Bi-State Association has reached out to officials at APM, based on the volume of emails and phone calls from our members over the past several weeks, as well as the Terminal Data Report for June 2015, which will be released tomorrow at our General Member meeting.
We have offered to meet with APM to address members' dissatisfaction over unacceptable turn times, and will continue to advocate for improvements to increase efficiency.
We have offered to meet with APM to address members' dissatisfaction over unacceptable turn times, and will continue to advocate for improvements to increase efficiency.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Congratulations and Welcome to Molly Campbell

Molly previously served as Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Executive Director at the Port of Los Angeles, and recently served as the Director of Financial Management for Los Angeles World Airports.
Congratulations, Molly--we look forward to working with you!
Turn Time Timeline: A Trucker's Day Spent Waiting in Line
We often hear from our members that the problems with congestion and extended turn times at Port Newark have steadily been getting worse. Unfortunately, until steps are taken to accurately and consistently capture turn times--including the time spent by drivers languishing in a long, extended queues--the true scope of this issue can't be fully articulated or addressed.
Here's an example of what one trucker driver is experiencing right now at one of the New Jersey port terminals:
Here's an example of what one trucker driver is experiencing right now at one of the New Jersey port terminals:
(updates will be posted throughout the day as he makes his way through what will hopefully be a double move)
9:15am Driver enters the queue for an empty gate
11:00am Driver is officially marked in at the gated area
11:15am Empty container lifted off of chassis
11:20am Driver gets into a different line to pick up a loaded container
1:50pm Driver still sitting in the same spot, has not moved in 2 1/12 hours.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:55pm Driver still waiting in line to exit terminal
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
[updated as of 5:30pm)
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
2015 Cunninghame Scholarship Recipients Announced!
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is proud to announce the 2015 recipients of the Samuel L. Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship: Shayne Cannata of Bayonne High School, and Kevin Salvador of Elizabeth High School. Each recipient will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to use towards their educational expenses.

"Sam Cunninghame was a tireless advocate for the intermodal trucking industry," said Executive Director Dick Jones, "and his contributions to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers are still apparent today. This annual scholarship will help to ensure that Sam's legacy with our organization lives on, and allow the positive impact he had on our community to continue for many years to come. We're proud to honor these two outstanding young men, Shayne Cannata and Kevin Salvador, for their dedication and hard work in pursuit of higher education, and to recognize them for their service to their local communities."
Congratulations to Shayne & Kevin!
These scholarships would not have been possible without the generous contributions that our members have made to the Scholarship Fund, so THANK YOU to everyone who supported this effort, established in Sam's memory. If you would like to contribute to the fund, donations are accepted on a rolling basis. Please send your check, made out to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers, to 445 Wilson Avenue, Newark, NJ 07105, and be sure to write "Scholarship Fund" in the memo line. Contributions are tax-deductible.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Lines at APM - June 3, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
May 21 - Congestion/Diversions at PNCT
We've been getting reports from drivers about the frustrating conditions leading up to Port Newark Container Terminal this morning. Here are some photos shared with us by the guys waiting in line:
Traffic backed up to Tyler St. & Mohawk St.
PAPD diverting traffic away from the gate--drivers can't get in,
but the terminal is still considered open
Almost at the gate, after 90 minutes of wait time outside the terminal.
Many drivers feeling the squeeze of port congestion today.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
San Antonio Brokerage's Michael Miqueli named NJ Small Businessperson of the Year
Congratulations to Bi-State Member Michael Miqueli of San Antonio Brokerage Services in North Bergen for being named New Jersey's Small Businessperson of the Year!
To read more about Michael and the honor he received, click HERE.
To read more about Michael and the honor he received, click HERE.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Wall Street Journal Report on Port Congestion
The Wall Street Journal reported today on the issue of congestion at U.S. ports, and its impact on intermodal carriers. Several of our Bi-State Executive Board members were interviewed for the story, and Association President Jeff Bader appears in the video segment, featured HERE.
Monday, April 13, 2015
NJTV News Report on Congestion at Global-Bayonne Terminal
In case you missed's a link to the NJTV News segment that aired this evening, detailing the recent traffic tie-ups at Global Terminal in Bayonne. Thank you to Association Vice President Tom Heimgartner for taking the time to meet with the reporter and represent our Bi-State members.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Our statement regarding traffic resulting from congestion at Global-Bayonne
This week, numerous news reports have documented the unacceptable level of traffic and congestion along the NJ Turnpike leading into the Port of New York & New Jersey, particularly at Global Terminal-Bayonne. The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is committed to working with terminal operators and regulatory authorities to conceive and implement long-term solutions to the chronic congestion issues that plague the port, but we believe the extreme traffic conditions experienced over the past several days are a clear indication that immediate action must be taken.
The steady increase in volume at the ports has led to much longer processing times serious reductions in efficiencies at the terminals, and significantly contributes to the congestion we are all experiencing. While others claim that occasional extended hours on weekends and holidays are a solution to this issue, it is unreasonable to expect drivers to subject themselves to being pulled away from their families whenever the terminals are unable to handle increased cargo volume.
Federal Hours of Service rules also make it nearly impossible for many drivers to work extended hours, especially when these changes are routinely announced with inadequate notice, making it difficult for dispatchers to plan and coordinate schedules ahead of time. Other suggested remedies such as an appointment system do nothing to alleviate the underlying source of the problem, and will only create additional difficulties--precisely why such "solutions" have been rescinded at other ports.
Regulatory authorities, terminal operators and shippers need to stop blaming the hardworking men and women of the local trucking industry for inefficiencies that are beyond the motor carriers' control, stop the charging of outrageous fees that result from extreme congestion delays, and start improving these unacceptable conditions in order to ensure the continued viability of intermodal commerce in the region.
On behalf of our members, the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is calling for an immediate three-day extension of free time for all containers at Global Terminal-Bayonne, not just on a "case by case" basis. We implore all terminal operators in the Port to consistently extend their hours of operation during weekdays and implement a third shift in the evenings, in order to increase the number of containers processed over a 24-hour period and immediately alleviate the traffic conditions being experienced by motorists in the area. Further, we ask the PANYNJ to direct Global-Bayonne to begin re-routing incoming ships to its New York Container Terminal location until this container backlog in Bayonne can be properly addressed and remedied.
This week, numerous news reports have documented the unacceptable level of traffic and congestion along the NJ Turnpike leading into the Port of New York & New Jersey, particularly at Global Terminal-Bayonne. The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is committed to working with terminal operators and regulatory authorities to conceive and implement long-term solutions to the chronic congestion issues that plague the port, but we believe the extreme traffic conditions experienced over the past several days are a clear indication that immediate action must be taken.
The steady increase in volume at the ports has led to much longer processing times serious reductions in efficiencies at the terminals, and significantly contributes to the congestion we are all experiencing. While others claim that occasional extended hours on weekends and holidays are a solution to this issue, it is unreasonable to expect drivers to subject themselves to being pulled away from their families whenever the terminals are unable to handle increased cargo volume.
Federal Hours of Service rules also make it nearly impossible for many drivers to work extended hours, especially when these changes are routinely announced with inadequate notice, making it difficult for dispatchers to plan and coordinate schedules ahead of time. Other suggested remedies such as an appointment system do nothing to alleviate the underlying source of the problem, and will only create additional difficulties--precisely why such "solutions" have been rescinded at other ports.
Regulatory authorities, terminal operators and shippers need to stop blaming the hardworking men and women of the local trucking industry for inefficiencies that are beyond the motor carriers' control, stop the charging of outrageous fees that result from extreme congestion delays, and start improving these unacceptable conditions in order to ensure the continued viability of intermodal commerce in the region.
On behalf of our members, the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is calling for an immediate three-day extension of free time for all containers at Global Terminal-Bayonne, not just on a "case by case" basis. We implore all terminal operators in the Port to consistently extend their hours of operation during weekdays and implement a third shift in the evenings, in order to increase the number of containers processed over a 24-hour period and immediately alleviate the traffic conditions being experienced by motorists in the area. Further, we ask the PANYNJ to direct Global-Bayonne to begin re-routing incoming ships to its New York Container Terminal location until this container backlog in Bayonne can be properly addressed and remedied.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Horrific congestion continues at Global Terminal-Bayonne
This was the scene at approximately 2pm today, where trucks continued to queue up for miles. Earlier this morning, six-mile backups were reported on the NJ Turnpike. The increasing volume of containers must be met with a corresponding increase in efficiency at the terminal, or these unacceptable conditions will continue.
Monday, March 30, 2015
New: PANYNJ Twitter account specifically for Port updates
The Port Authority of NY & NJ has a Twitter account dedicated to updates specific to the Port of NY & NJ: @PortNYNJ
We'll be following!
We'll be following!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
TWIC Renewal Delays Continue: Plan Ahead!
In our February newsletter, we alerted our members that delays for processing TWIC cards had reached 75 days or more for some applicants. The TSA recently reported that some TWIC applicants are still experiencing processing delays of 60 days or more. They are strongly encouraging all applicants to apply for their TWIC at least 10 to 12 weeks prior to when the card will be required, in order to avoid inconvenience or interruption in access to maritime facilities.
Here's a reminder of the renewal info we provided in our newsletter:
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) cards are coming due for renewal after the expiration of their 5 year life. Renewals can be obtained by visiting the TWIC office at 532 Raymond Blvd., Newark, NJ. No appointment is necessary. More information is available at: After renewal, the upgrade must be registered with the P.A. Sealink office.
Frequently Asked Questions/Updated Information
· What is the renewal process? The renewal process consists of the same steps as the original enrollment process (in-person enrollment and card activation). These steps are required since a security threat assessment is required on all applicants, confirming they still meet eligibility requirements.
· How much does a renewal cost? On February 1, 2015 the TWIC renewal fee was reduced to $128.00. This is a $1.75 reduction due to lowered FBI fingerprint processing charges.
· When should I renew for a TWIC? Individuals may renew their TWIC at any time in advance of the expiration of their card at any enrollment center. Given current delays, applicants are advised to send in their renewals at least 10 to 12 weeks in advance.
· What should I take into account when applying for a renewal? Individuals should take into account the expiration date of their previous TWIC and understand that the expiration date associated with their ‘renewal’ TWIC is tied to the security threat assessment performed for that (renewal) application. For example, an individual currently has a TWIC with an expiration date of October 20, 2012 and applies for a full-fee renewal TWIC on June 1, 2012, getting approved on June 20, 2012. The new TWIC will have an expiration date of June 20, 2017.
· What are the enrollment requirements for U.S.-Born TWIC Applicants? Until July 1, 2015, TWIC applicants who were born in the U.S. may continue to certify that they are U.S. citizens by checking the box on the electronically signed TWIC application and bring documents as listed on the UES website here. Starting on July 1, 2015 Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®) applicants who were born in the United States, and who claim U.S. citizenship, must provide documents to prove their citizenship. For details on eligible documents, CLICK HERE to visit the TSA website.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted!
![]() |
Samuel L. Cunninghame |
Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers recently launched their first annual Samuel
L. Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship program. Full details and application information are posted on
the Association website at All
applications for this year's scholarship award must be postmarked no later than
May 15, 2015.
his death in July 2013, Samuel L. Cunninghame served as the government
relations director for the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers, actively
lobbying to protect and promote the interests of their membership. The Association will award a total of $1,000 in
scholarships this year; applications are open to dependent children of employees
or independent contractors who provide service at a company that is a member-in-good-standing.
Cunninghame was a tireless advocate for the intermodal trucking industry,"
said Executive Director Dick Jones, "and his contributions to the
Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers are still apparent today. This
annual scholarship will help to ensure that Sam's legacy with our
organization lives on, and allow the positive impact he had on our
community to continue for many years to come."
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers
currently represents over 70% of port and container traffic at Port Newark, and
more than 130 trucking and trucking-industry related companies doing business
there. The Association is dedicated to serving the interests of its
members in Intermodal Transportation, especially at the Port of New York-New
Jersey. This port handles over 80% of the world trade for a 10 state, 260-mile
radius area, which represents 34% of the U.S. volume of trade. To learn
more about the Association, visit
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
APM - System issues 3-3-2015
APM Terminal also had its share of issues today:
ADVISORY NOTICE: Please be advised that we have been experiencing sporadic terminal operating system issues impacting the timely processing of both inbound, and outbound gate moves. Currently, the inbound processing of motor carriers is functioning, while we work on correcting an outbound processing issue, which we expect to have corrected shortly.
We will communicate immediately when all gate processing is back to functioning normally. We appreciate your patience
PNCT CLOSED - Free time extended
Our monthly Board meeting was held at 0800 today, and the severe backups leading into PNCT unexpectedly took center stage on the agenda. Association President Jeff Bader and Executive Director Dick Jones reached out to officials at PNCT and at the PANYNJ for assistance, requesting free time to help alleviate the burden on truckers.
This afternoon, PNCT made the following announcement:
Due to heavy congestion and PA police diverting traffic away from PNCT, PNCT will be extending free time for import containers currently at PNCT.
PNCT will extend free time by one day for any cargo that has a last free day of 3/3/15 or has a last free day after 3/3/15.
The following photo was sent in from a member:
Thursday, February 26, 2015
PNCT OPEN on Saturday, 2/28
Port Newark Container Terminal will be OPEN this Saturday, 2/28
Hours: 7:00AM to 4:00PM
Reefers gates: 7:00am – 3:00pm
EXPORTS will only be accepted for the following vessels:
-Jonni Ritscher (LBTY)
-Leanne (WS2)
-Adrian Maersk (USEC)
-Jemina (SAF)
-Luisa (IUE)
Hours for Polaris will be:
-Empty (MSC) Container Pickup : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Empty (MSC) Container Returns : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Chassis Pickup : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Chassis Returns : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Empty (MSC) Container Returns : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Chassis Pickup : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Chassis Returns : 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Please plan accordingly.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
PORT CONGESTION: APM Terminal 2-24-15
Photos documenting the long lines at APM Terminal today. We've gotten reports of drivers who are have been sitting in line for 6 hours already, with no relief in sight.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Global Terminal "a disaster"
This photo was sent in by one of our members.
It was taken today at Global terminal, which he described as "a disaster".
Bi-State News - February 2015 edition now available
Visit our website to download the latest issue of the Bi-State News:

Friday, February 13, 2015
NJDOT Warns of Dangerously High Winds This Weekend
The following News Alert was issued today by the NJDOT. Please heed these warnings, and be safe!
NJDOT warns truck drivers of dangerous winds this weekend
asks truckers to be cautious on the roads
(Trenton) – New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)
officials today said they are asking trucking drivers to be extra cautious this
weekend when driving throughout New Jersey.
Forecasts predict extreme
winds with gusts as high as 55 MPH creating hazardous driving conditions,
especially for large trucks. The Department has asked the New Jersey State
Police to watch for any trucks that may pose a risk to themselves or other
“The wind forecasts this
weekend should not be taken lightly,” said New Jersey Department of
Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox. “Truck drivers on our roads need to be
aware of the weather and they must adjust their driving methods accordingly.
With winds as high as we are seeing forecast, there is a real risk of trucks quickly
losing control.”
“Professional drivers
who frequently cross the country know to watch for high
winds, but our local truckers rarely see this dangerous condition on New Jersey
highways. Motorists need to be on their
toes to give trucks of all types some extra room on very windy days,” said
Colonel Rick Fuentes, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.
Some common safety tips
for truck drivers confronted with high winds:
1. Secure all doors and exposed items: Take the time to do a thorough once-over on your truck
before getting into the drivers’ seat. A few minutes beforehand can spare you
from a disaster later.
2. Be aware of the weather report.
3. Be mindful of signage and state/local laws: Obey all posted signage and watch for a change in speed
limits due to inclement weather.
4. Empty trailers are more dangerous: An empty trailer isn’t as weighted as a loaded one and is
far more susceptible to being manipulated by even a modest amount of wind.
5. When in doubt, slow down or stop: Under any circumstance, including weather, road
construction, restricted views or any possible hazard, always slow down to a
safe speed, or stop when appropriate.
As of now, the only facilities open on Monday are PNCT AND East Coast CES. We extend thanks to PNCT for honoring our request to service trucks during the Holiday. Operating hours are as follows: 0700 to 1600. Polaris will be open for MSC container pickups and returns, and chassis pickups and returns from 0700 to 1500.
EAST COAST will be open from 0800 to 1700 hours.
We are still working to persuade other terminals to be open, but as yet have been unsuccessful. We will advise of any changes if and when they are announced.
The following have indicated that they will be CLOSED: APM, MAHER, NYCT, ASI, INTERPORT, H&M CES, GLOBAL and SEALINK.
EAST COAST will be open from 0800 to 1700 hours.
We are still working to persuade other terminals to be open, but as yet have been unsuccessful. We will advise of any changes if and when they are announced.
The following have indicated that they will be CLOSED: APM, MAHER, NYCT, ASI, INTERPORT, H&M CES, GLOBAL and SEALINK.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
APM on Feb. 11, 2015 -- 6 hour turn times
This photo was sent in by an Association member who experienced 6 hour turn times at APM Terminal. We have been sharing our frustration and concerns over port congestion with regulatory authorities and terminal operators for a long time, and will continue to seek solutions to this chronic problem. In the meantime, we believe that "a picture is worth a thousand words," so we will now be posting photos of the conditions at the Port on this blog, in order to shed additional light on this issue.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Bi-State Welcomes Lou Notaro to the Executive Board
Congratulations to Bi-State member Lou Notaro of F.O.X. Intermodal, who was voted onto the Association's Executive Board at our meeting this morning. Lou has been an active and valuable member our organization for several years, and we look forward to his continued participation and expertise.
Upcoming Terminal Schedules -- Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/15
The following Terminal schedule will be observed on Thursday, February 12, in honor of Abraham Lincoln's Birthday. Please plan accordingly:
PNCT will be open…7AM-4PM
APM - will be open 6AM-3PM
Global gates will be open 6AM-3PM
Maher will be open regular hours
NYCT will be closed on 2/12 and 2/16
Red Hook (ASI) will be closed on 2/12 and 2/16
East Coast CFS will be open on 2/12
Interport will be open on 2/12
H&M will be open
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Association President To Meet with FMC in Washington DC
Association President Jeff Bader and several of our Executive Board members will be heading to Washington D.C. soon to meet with the Federal Maritime Commission and advocate on behalf of our members. Jeff will be speaking to them about important issues that affect intermodal commerce at the port, and offer recommendations to solve these issues. This is just one example of the many ways that the officers of the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers devote their time and energy to advocate for our membership in order to improve intermodal commerce at the ports of New York and New Jersey.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Port Advisory for Tuesday, February 3
All Marine Terminals in the Port of New York and New Jersey will have a delayed opening on Tuesday, February 3rd at 8:00 AM with the exception of GCT Bayonne, which is planning to open at 6:00 AM. For the safety of everyone, your cooperation is requested in not queuing up until 30 minutes in advance of the scheduled opening. Port Authority Police will cut the lines and redirect traffic.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Weather Notice for Monday, February 2nd
Notice: Due to the predicted stormy weather, all terminals in the port will open at 1000 hours on Monday, February 2nd. Trucks should not try to queue up before 0930 to allow for snow removal procedures. This is subject to change, based on a conference call to be held at 0600 hours on Monday morning. Stay tuned.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Severe Weather Message from PANYNJ: January 26, 2017
A winter storm of historic proportions is expected to hit the Port of New York and New Jersey over the next 36 hours. Total snow accumulation is likely to exceed two feet throughout the port. With the expected gale force winds, drifts could be even higher. All marine terminals anticipate closing today by 3:00 PM, but that time may be adjusted (earlier or later) based on changing weather conditions. Please refer to the individual terminal websites for specific information. All terminals will be closed on Tuesday January 27. A decision about Wednesday will be made by noon tomorrow. Free time will be extended and per diems waived in accordance with the Winter Plan. Stay safe!
Blizzard 2015: Stay safe!
Weather conditions will be challenging over the next couple of days. Please use caution when traveling roadways during this storm, which is predicted to bring 18"-24+" of snow to our area.
Stay safe!
Stay safe!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Helping the Homeless - Jan. 28th in Elizabeth, NJ
On Wednesday, January 28th, the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless will host their 8th Annual Service Fair as part of the HUD nationwide Point in Time Count. They anticipate 150 people will attend, seeking out information on services, getting haircuts and health checks. Members of the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers Executive Board will be on hand to help distribute hats, gloves and coats to the homeless. The Association is also donating $1,000 for medical kits.
To learn more about the ECHH, and how you can help, visit their website:
To learn more about the ECHH, and how you can help, visit their website:
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