Here's an example of what one trucker driver is experiencing right now at one of the New Jersey port terminals:
(updates will be posted throughout the day as he makes his way through what will hopefully be a double move)
9:15am Driver enters the queue for an empty gate
11:00am Driver is officially marked in at the gated area
11:15am Empty container lifted off of chassis
11:20am Driver gets into a different line to pick up a loaded container
1:50pm Driver still sitting in the same spot, has not moved in 2 1/12 hours.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:55pm Driver still waiting in line to exit terminal
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
[updated as of 5:30pm)
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