Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted!

Samuel L. Cunninghame
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers recently launched their first annual Samuel L. Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship program.  Full details and application information are posted on the Association website at All applications for this year's scholarship award must be postmarked no later than May 15, 2015.

Until his death in July 2013, Samuel L. Cunninghame served as the government relations director for the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers, actively lobbying to protect and promote the interests of their membership.  The Association will award a total of $1,000 in scholarships this year; applications are open to dependent children of employees or independent contractors who provide service at a company that is a member-in-good-standing.

"Sam Cunninghame was a tireless advocate for the intermodal trucking industry," said Executive Director Dick Jones, "and his contributions to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers are still apparent today. This annual scholarship will help to ensure that Sam's legacy with our organization lives on, and allow the positive impact he had on our community to continue for many years to come."

The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers currently represents over 70% of port and container traffic at Port Newark, and more than 130 trucking and trucking-industry related companies doing business there.  The Association is dedicated to serving the interests of its members in Intermodal Transportation, especially at the Port of New York-New Jersey. This port handles over 80% of the world trade for a 10 state, 260-mile radius area, which represents 34% of the U.S. volume of trade. To learn more about the Association, visit

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