Monday, June 22, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Congratulations and Welcome to Molly Campbell

Molly previously served as Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Executive Director at the Port of Los Angeles, and recently served as the Director of Financial Management for Los Angeles World Airports.
Congratulations, Molly--we look forward to working with you!
Turn Time Timeline: A Trucker's Day Spent Waiting in Line
We often hear from our members that the problems with congestion and extended turn times at Port Newark have steadily been getting worse. Unfortunately, until steps are taken to accurately and consistently capture turn times--including the time spent by drivers languishing in a long, extended queues--the true scope of this issue can't be fully articulated or addressed.
Here's an example of what one trucker driver is experiencing right now at one of the New Jersey port terminals:
Here's an example of what one trucker driver is experiencing right now at one of the New Jersey port terminals:
(updates will be posted throughout the day as he makes his way through what will hopefully be a double move)
9:15am Driver enters the queue for an empty gate
11:00am Driver is officially marked in at the gated area
11:15am Empty container lifted off of chassis
11:20am Driver gets into a different line to pick up a loaded container
1:50pm Driver still sitting in the same spot, has not moved in 2 1/12 hours.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:25pm Driver has not moved in 4 HOURS.
3:40pm Box loaded onto chassis. Driver now waiting in exit line, which he estimates is one mile long.
3:55pm Driver still waiting in line to exit terminal
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
4:40pm Driver was able to successful navigate the exit line and leave the terminal
Total time spent for a double move today: 7 hours, 25 minutes
[updated as of 5:30pm)
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
2015 Cunninghame Scholarship Recipients Announced!
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers is proud to announce the 2015 recipients of the Samuel L. Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship: Shayne Cannata of Bayonne High School, and Kevin Salvador of Elizabeth High School. Each recipient will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to use towards their educational expenses.

"Sam Cunninghame was a tireless advocate for the intermodal trucking industry," said Executive Director Dick Jones, "and his contributions to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers are still apparent today. This annual scholarship will help to ensure that Sam's legacy with our organization lives on, and allow the positive impact he had on our community to continue for many years to come. We're proud to honor these two outstanding young men, Shayne Cannata and Kevin Salvador, for their dedication and hard work in pursuit of higher education, and to recognize them for their service to their local communities."
Congratulations to Shayne & Kevin!
These scholarships would not have been possible without the generous contributions that our members have made to the Scholarship Fund, so THANK YOU to everyone who supported this effort, established in Sam's memory. If you would like to contribute to the fund, donations are accepted on a rolling basis. Please send your check, made out to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers, to 445 Wilson Avenue, Newark, NJ 07105, and be sure to write "Scholarship Fund" in the memo line. Contributions are tax-deductible.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Lines at APM - June 3, 2015
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