Monday, March 30, 2015

New: PANYNJ Twitter account specifically for Port updates

The Port Authority of NY & NJ has a Twitter account dedicated to updates specific to the Port of NY & NJ: @PortNYNJ

We'll be following!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

TWIC Renewal Delays Continue: Plan Ahead!

In our February newsletter, we alerted our members that delays for processing TWIC cards had reached 75 days or more for some applicants.  The TSA recently reported that some TWIC applicants are still experiencing processing delays of 60 days or more. They are strongly encouraging all applicants to apply for their TWIC at least 10 to 12 weeks prior to when the card will be required, in order to avoid inconvenience or interruption in access to maritime facilities. 

Here's a reminder of the renewal info we provided in our newsletter: 

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)  cards are coming due for renewal after the expiration of their  5 year life.  Renewals can be obtained by visiting the TWIC office at  532 Raymond Blvd., Newark, NJ.  No appointment is necessary.  More information is available at:   After renewal, the upgrade must be registered with the P.A. Sealink office.

Frequently Asked Questions/Updated Information

· What is the renewal process?  The renewal process consists of the same steps as the original enrollment process (in-person enrollment and card activation). These steps are required since a security threat assessment is required on all applicants, confirming they still meet eligibility requirements.

· How much does a renewal cost?  On February 1, 2015 the TWIC renewal fee was reduced to $128.00. This is a $1.75 reduction due to lowered FBI fingerprint processing charges.

· When should I renew for a TWIC? Individuals may renew their TWIC at any time in advance of the expiration of their card at any enrollment center. Given current delays, applicants are advised to send in their renewals at least 10 to 12 weeks in advance.

· What should I take into account when applying for a renewal? Individuals should take into account the expiration date of their previous TWIC and understand that the expiration date associated with their ‘renewal’ TWIC is tied to the security threat assessment performed for that (renewal) application. For example, an individual currently has a TWIC with an expiration date of October 20, 2012 and applies for a full-fee renewal TWIC on June 1, 2012, getting approved on June 20, 2012. The new TWIC will have an expiration date of June 20, 2017.

· What are the enrollment requirements for U.S.-Born TWIC Applicants?  Until July 1, 2015, TWIC applicants who were born in the U.S. may continue to certify that they are U.S. citizens by checking the box on the electronically signed TWIC application and bring documents as listed on the UES website here.  Starting on July 1, 2015 Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC®) applicants who were born in the United States, and who claim U.S. citizenship, must provide documents to prove their citizenship.  For details on eligible documents, CLICK HERE to visit the TSA website.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted!

Samuel L. Cunninghame
The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers recently launched their first annual Samuel L. Cunninghame Memorial Scholarship program.  Full details and application information are posted on the Association website at All applications for this year's scholarship award must be postmarked no later than May 15, 2015.

Until his death in July 2013, Samuel L. Cunninghame served as the government relations director for the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers, actively lobbying to protect and promote the interests of their membership.  The Association will award a total of $1,000 in scholarships this year; applications are open to dependent children of employees or independent contractors who provide service at a company that is a member-in-good-standing.

"Sam Cunninghame was a tireless advocate for the intermodal trucking industry," said Executive Director Dick Jones, "and his contributions to the Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers are still apparent today. This annual scholarship will help to ensure that Sam's legacy with our organization lives on, and allow the positive impact he had on our community to continue for many years to come."

The Association of Bi-State Motor Carriers currently represents over 70% of port and container traffic at Port Newark, and more than 130 trucking and trucking-industry related companies doing business there.  The Association is dedicated to serving the interests of its members in Intermodal Transportation, especially at the Port of New York-New Jersey. This port handles over 80% of the world trade for a 10 state, 260-mile radius area, which represents 34% of the U.S. volume of trade. To learn more about the Association, visit

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

APM - System issues 3-3-2015

APM Terminal also had its share of issues today: 

ADVISORY NOTICE: Please be advised that we have been experiencing sporadic terminal operating system issues impacting the timely processing of both inbound, and outbound gate moves. Currently, the inbound processing of motor carriers is functioning, while we work on correcting an outbound processing issue, which we expect to have corrected shortly.

We will communicate immediately when all gate processing is back to functioning normally. We appreciate your patience

PNCT CLOSED - Free time extended

Our monthly Board meeting was held at 0800 today, and the severe backups leading into PNCT unexpectedly took center stage on the agenda.  Association President Jeff Bader and Executive Director Dick Jones reached out to officials at PNCT and at the PANYNJ for assistance, requesting free time to help alleviate the burden on truckers. 

This afternoon, PNCT made the following announcement: 

Due to heavy congestion and PA police diverting traffic away from PNCT, PNCT will be extending free time for import containers currently at PNCT.

PNCT will extend free time by one day for any cargo that has a last free day of 3/3/15 or has a last free day after 3/3/15.

The following photo was sent in from a member: